Stork and the Sui Foundation partner to empower Sui builders with ultra-fast pricing data

January 18, 2024


  • Off-chain data feeds from the Stork oracle - built specifically for ultra-low latency DeFi - are now available to app developers and users on the fast-growing Sui blockchain
  • Partnership includes a Sui development grant for Stork 
  • With access to unique index and mark, DEXes and lending platforms can maximize performance and reduce risk

In a tie-up aimed at enhancing the speed and sophistication of DeFi, Stork and the Sui Foundation have come together to make Stork’s real-time pricing data available to app developers and users on the Sui blockchain.

Through the partnership, decentralized exchanges (DEXes), lending protocols and other applications building on Sui can access and integrate Stork data to enhance performance, namely around the intensive demands of derivatives. As a decentralized oracle purpose-built for the rigors of ultra-low latency trading, Stork publishes updates for its 200+ price feeds in milliseconds - speeds that outpace other crypto-native oracles and rival those of high-frequency traders in traditional finance. 

In addition to index prices - common among oracles - Stork provides mark prices, a first for most decentralized exchanges. Historically, only centralized exchanges have used mark prices for settlements and liquidations; though DeFi apps have long expressed a desire for mark prices due to the growing sophistication of the derivatives market, these feeds have not been readily available through other oracles. Mark prices - with off-chain data taken directly from centralized exchanges and DEXs own orderbooks to aid price discovery - are more suitable for the exacting demands of DeFi; in contrast, traditional oracle price feeds can often be more of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for various applications.

With this real-time pricing data from Stork, trading venues can manage their perpetual swaps and options books with greater accuracy, reducing the risk of loss related to liquidations when a customer’s positions are undercollateralized. Similarly, DEXes and lending protocols can better manage collateral requirements in lockstep with market activity; in contrast, when oracles publish infrequent price updates, protocols are forced to hold more capital as insurance. Stork also features a significantly shorter development cycle for new pricing feeds, giving DeFi apps the ability to roll out new products faster.

As part of the partnership, the Sui Foundation awarded a development grant to Stork to support its work in making pricing data available to the Sui community. With the work now complete, protocols and developers in the Sui ecosystem can pull Stork data published off-chain into smart contracts and on-chain activity.

Stork and Sui share a common aim of bringing the next generation of DeFi to life. With its high transactions-per-second (TPS) processing rates, scalability, and low gas costs, Sui’s layer-1 blockchain is optimized for Stork’s high-frequency price feeds, enabling developers to get the most out of both the data and the infrastructure. Moreover, these attributes make Sui an optimal partner to bring new types of data on-chain.

Meredith Pitkoff, Stork co-founder: “Too often, DeFi applications are forced to compromise between speed and reliability. Sub-second price updates from an oracle may sound fast, but in reality, it’s far too slow for newer DEXes that are moving at millisecond speeds. Stork and Sui are equally committed to building infrastructure that is purpose-built for the future of DeFi, where ultra-low latency and high precision are hallmarks. By working together to publish price feeds on-chain and off-chain, we’re giving DEXes and other sophisticated protocols more flexibility to leverage oracle data without high costs or inconsistent speeds.”   

Greg Siourounis, Managing Director of the Sui Foundation: “Stork’s efficient delivery of real-time pricing data will enable DeFi applications on Sui to offer real utility to users and, ultimately, help reshape the ways digital assets are owned, managed, and traded. Stork is purpose-built for next generation, high-speed DeFi solutions, and integrating their solutions will extend these capabilities to the rapidly expanding Sui ecosystem.”

Stork directly sources data from a tightly-integrated network of crypto-native market makers, trading firms and exchanges to curate prices for on-chain and off-chain DeFi activity. The Stork oracle differs from its peers in emphasizing the quality and depth of its data providers over quantity; by focusing on a narrower group of publishers that deliver consistent updates and cover a broad swath of the cryptocurrency market, Stork is able to refine pricing data with higher frequency and no impact on accuracy. Ultimately, Stork’s aim is to ensure that, as DeFi matures, developers will no longer have to compromise between the speed and quality of data, bringing them in line with their peers in CeFi.

Since launching in mid-2022, Stork has continued expanding its footprint across the blockchains, protocols and DEXes where the future of high-speed finance is taking shape. The oracle’s pricing feeds help power trading and risk management at some of the fastest-growing derivatives venues in DeFi, including Apex Pro and Vertex. Stork also develops custom pricing feeds for the likes of OKX. In total, Stork data supports about 20% of total DeFi derivatives trading activity. Stork’s data is also compatible with multiple DeFi-oriented blockchains, including Arbitrum, Avalanche, StarkEx, and zkSync Era, among others.


Sui is a first-of-its-kind Layer 1 blockchain and smart contract platform designed from the bottom up to make digital asset ownership fast, private, secure, and accessible to everyone. Its object-centric model, based on the Move programming language, enables parallel execution, sub-second finality, and rich on-chain assets. With horizontally scalable processing and storage, Sui supports a wide range of applications with unrivaled speed at low cost. Sui is a step-function advancement in blockchain and a platform on which creators and developers can build amazing, user-friendly experiences. Learn more:


Stork is the decentralized ultra-low latency oracle purpose-built for the rigors of high-speed DeFi. The Stork oracle is as real-time as it gets with pricing updates published in milliseconds, speeds that outpace other crypto-native oracles and rival that of traditional finance. From top exchanges to lending protocols, DeFi applications rely on Stork to deliver fast, accurate and pinpointed prices and power sophisticated trading and risk management with confidence. Learn more: